The Detailing Mafia – Best Service Provider Car Detailing in Agra

Car detailing is getting immensely popular in India nowadays, the car enthusiast seems more driven by it lately. The Indian market is flooded with automotive detailers, all in every street in every city. Though the services vary according to every car detailer.

If you are looking for the best automotive detailing service provider in Agra, then this blog is for you. Let’s have a look at every aspect of car detailing.

Car Detailing in Agra

What is car detailing?

Car detailing can be understood as restoring the lost sheen of a vehicle. In other words, it means to make your vehicle look as it was when you first drove it out of the showroom. It provides the same shine and outlook to it. It eliminates all the scratches, swirl marks, watermarks, and other spots which restrict the all-over look of your vehicle.

It includes the usage of specialized tools and equipment in initiating the detailing process. From ceramic coating to car denting and painting the detailing mafia uses all the world-class branded products, all imported from Italy and the United States.

Interior and Exterior Car Detailing

Interior car detailing at The Detailing Mafia includes a comprehensive car detailing process, such as :-

  • Vacuuming 
  • Leather conditioning
  • Foot mats cleaning
  • Glass cleaning
  • Brushing and steam cleaning
  • Re-vacuuming and wiping
  • Perfuming
  • Ac duct cleaning 
  • Dashboard cleaning and polishing
  • Car perfume spray

 Exterior car detailing, on the other hand, encompasses the following process :-

  • Engine degreasing with steam wash
  • Steam car wash
  • Claying
  • Polishing
  • Paint correction
  • Sanding
  • Machine compounding
  • Underbody rubberized coating
  • Application of paint sealant
  • Windshield coating and much more

The Best Car Detailing Near Me

The best car detailing in Agra is none other than The Detailing Mafia. They have a team of skilled professionals who always goes the extra mile to give your car the ultimate look. It is also the best service provider of ceramic coating in Agra.

Car PPF is another protective measure which most car owners tend to go for. A PPF is that layer of protection that guards your vehicle against various on-road disasters and the harmful UV rays of the sun. looking for the best installation of paint protection film in Agra, now you know where to go.

How to Choose the Best Ceramic Coating for Your Vehicle?

Taking good care of your vehicle is a great challenge nowadays, the limitation of time and space further makes it  more tedious. With regular innovations in the  automotive car detailing industry, a solution to this problem is sought and that is, ceramic car coating.

Ceramic coating is like a cherry on the cake, it enhances the beauty of your car. With a touch of gloss, it provides an ultimate protection to your vehicle.

Best Ceramic Coating

Going for ceramic car coating is always the best option other than car wax or something else, but here, the challenge arises – which one to go for?

It somehow seems a difficult task to choose the right ceramic coating for your car, as the market is flooded with a huge number of products and service providers. But nothing to worry about, in this article we attempt to  clear this confusion and help you to select the right one for your car.

Labocosmetica: The Italian Touch of Gloss

Labocosmetica is an offspring of Ma-Fra, that offers a wide range of car care products.The ceramic coatings from labocosmetica offer a great combination of technology, innovation and tradition. With the  slogan, “cosmetics for your car”, this brand provides the best treatment even in the smallest detail of the car.

Labocosmetica offers a new form of ceramic coating with self-curing  technology that gives a stunning 3D gloss effect.

  • The coatings provide for effective stratification, improved cross  linking rigidity, thermal resistance, high protection and resistance to abrasion. 
  • These coatings are imbibed with self-curing technology which offers a short curing span of 30 minutes.
  • Prior to ceramic coating, the 3pH wash system strengthens the superior protection on the vehicle’s surface with its specific pH.
  • The 3pH wash system helps in proper decontamination of the vehicle.
  • It maintains the characteristics of previously applied nano ceramic protection.

The ceramic coatings from labocosmetica reduces the formation of circular scratches during washing the vehicle. This coating is hydrophobic in nature, so there is almost nothing to worry about once you get ceramic coating done from labocosmetica.

Opti-Coat: The Ultimate

Another key player in the ceramic coating line is Opti-Coat. This  brand has  been setting standards with unique ceramic coating technology that uses  Silicon Carbide (SiC) chemistry. This SiC bond is harder and more inert that does not allow the chemicals to penetrate and harm the ceramic coated layer.

The striking features of Opti- Coat includes:-

  • 9H hardness
  • Easy cleaning effect
  • Mirror-shine finish
  • Anti-fouling effect 
  • Water-spot resistant
  • Unique silicon carbide strength

The single layer of opti-coat measures approx. ⅔ microns in thickness. It’s a semi-permanent coating that provides the user with an amazing gloss level and tremendous durability.

Finding the Best Ceramic Coating Service Provider Near You

After you have decided which ceramic coating your car is going to have, finding  the best ceramic  coating service provider is another hectic task. Since the market is filled with car detailers, we help you to find the best one for you. The answer to this is simple, it’s The Detailing Mafia.

Ceramic Coating

The Detailing Mafia offers exclusive ceramic coating services that are best in class and affordable. It is an high end car detailing studio with 50+ detailing franchises all over India. The Mafia’s strive for quality, reliability, durability and customer satisfaction.

To enquire more or to book the Ceramic Car Coating services:-

Call: +91-80-100-44000


Ceramic Coating: What it is and Why it’s Good for Your Car?

No one can deny the fact that, “life is so uncertain”, isn’t it? You can’t even make a guess of what’s gonna happen a minute later. Uncertainties knock on your door all the time, though applying your sixth sense you can prepare yourself for some, but still there are many that haunt you.

It’s not only human life that is unpredictable, but the life associated with your belongings do come in the ambit. 

Cars are your prized possession, you not only invest in it once (at the time of purchasing), the investment continues to maintain the look and gloss of your car. Vehicles are too prone to mishappenings, they can get stains, chips and swirl marks. The paint can fade away, it can get water spots and grime.

Ceramic Coating

However, such situations are highly unpredictable, but there is a magic product that is there to rescue your car’s life – its Ceramic Coating.

What is ceramic coating?

Before dwelling further, you should know what Ceramic Car Coating is? A ceramic coating is basically a liquid polymer which is applied to the exterior of a vehicle to protect it from exterior paint damage. Due to the presence of chemicals in the coating, it bonds with your car’s factory paint and creates a layer of protection.

What Is Ceramic Car Coating

One thing to remember here is that a ceramic coating is not a substitute for a Paint Protection Film. Ceramic coating creates a semi-permanent layer of protection that prevents your vehicle from scratches and swirl marks. It gives your car a premium glossy look which does not fade away easily.

What it does?

Ceramic coating does wonders for your car. Here are the chief benefits that will amaze you.

  • Hydrophobic in Nature

This is one of the amazing features of ceramic coating. All water based dirt and grime will slide off the vehicle, without causing any harm to the it’s paint body. This hydrophobic nature of ceramic coating makes your car easy to clean.

  • Protection from UV Rays

Oxidation of the vehicle’s paint is frequent if exposed to sunlight, which leads to dull and faded paint. Ceramic coating builds a layer on the car’s paint body, reducing the risk of oxidation and provides protection from UV rays.

  • Protection from Chemical Stains

Chemical staining is another danger that haunts your car. Ceramic coating creates a chemically resistant surface that helps in keeping some contaminants away from bonding your vehicle’s paint. It makes your car more resistant to staining and etching in the long term.

  • Makes it Glossy

Ceramic coating gives your car a stunning glossy look, which every car owner loves. It enhances the reflective properties of your vehicle’s paint body and further adds more depth and clarity to it.

Is ceramic coating worthy for my car?

The above mentioned points provide a clear answer to this question. It is absolutely worthy to get your vehicle ceramic coated. Ceramic coating adds value to your car, making it worthy in the long term.

Your car needs this pamper treatment and a gloss that is breathtaking and will provide protection against chemical etching and the harmful UV rays.

Foam Wash And Ceramic Coating

Ceramic coating can be applied both manually at home or by a professional car detailing service provider. If you’re having doubts about applying it on your own, then there is nothing to worry, just give the best car detailing service providers a call and they will have the work done for you in a professional manner.

To enquire more or to book the car detailing services:- Call: +91-80-100-44000


Benefits of Ceramic Coating For Cars

Why does your car need ceramic coating?

Car enthusiast and owners swear by their car’s paint body. One will go to any lengths to safeguard their car until it gets it 1st scratch. Then, everything is downhill from there. The rare few do take care of the car even then. For them, getting a ceramic coating or a Paint protection film is investing in their car.

Ceramic Coating

Many car lovers have noted on record that they wish their car’s body paint would shine more or wouldn’t discolor or get scratch-proof. Why not invest in a product that will provide almost all and care for the car as you do!

Choose the right car care product for your car:

When it comes to choosing car-care products, the best option is to choose one that delivers everything you need. Ceramic coatings for cars, have smooth finishes that are characterized by a brilliant-glossy appearance that highlights your paint job.

The only negative side of this characteristic is that, before applying the coating, your paint job must be in excellent condition. Any scratches, ruts, discolorations will be highlighted as well, ruining your car’s appeal.

Car Care Products

Consider ceramic car coating a magnifying glass. The application of this coating should be done after the rubbing, polishing and compounding of the paint body. So that the application is a success.

An interesting fact is that unless exposed to high amounts of abrasions, the coating layer simply will not come off. For a car whose maintenance and care are properly taken, a ceramic car coating may last more than two years. This before being worn- out enough for you to remove it entirely.

Removal of ceramic coating in Delhi is only possible by abrasion. Washing your car will not affect the protective layer. You can even apply any kind of aesthetics enhancer without worrying about wearing the coating.

If the coat is worn enough and ready for a replacement, to remove it is necessary to apply a mixture of clay and iron dust remover. This method is very efficient, but you could use a grinder polisher and wax the surface to remove the coating layer.

Another essential characteristic is its impermeability. Water seldomly sticks into a surface that was treated with this technique. In the rare case that water stops flowing, it will look like concentrated droplets that come off with ease, needing only a piece of microfiber cloth to wipe them out.

Why is its permeability so important? Neither mud nor dirt will stick to the surface of your car.

Our vehicles are often parked outside, where direct UV, road debris, and other vehicles attempt to damage ours. This coating protects our paint most of the time from considerable impacts depending on the layer’s thickness.

The protective layer obtained after applying a coating reflects 90% of UV light, meaning that damages caused to our vehicle’s paint job will be substantially reduced.

By searching for the ‘professional ceramic coating near me’ will ensure you that the right product is applied as per your car’s condition and your budget.

To enquire more or book ceramic coating:-

Call: +91-80-100-44000.


Ceramic Coating or Paint Protection Film: What’s Your Preference?

There is nothing very like the sentiment of purchasing all-new vehicle, respecting the new paintwork and shiny outside as it gets the light. Unavoidably, cars lose their sparkle because of normal mileage, either dyed by the sun or canvassed in watermarks, following a couple of years it’s never entirely the equivalent. Be that as it may, consider the possibility that it could be. Imagine a scenario in which this could be counteracted.

Paint protection film functions as an imperceptible layer of protective layer over your vehicle’s completion. Our completely clear, vitality retentive polyurethane film is system cut from a database of exactness formats explicit to your vehicle, and after that securely attached to the defenseless painted surfaces presenting to ten years of ensured assurance. Car PPF is 100% securely removable on production line paint and gives the majority of the assurance you need with none of the stripping, breaking, yellowing, and rankling that can occur with different less-propelled films available. Drive your vehicle with confidence!

Paint Protection Film
Paint Protection Film

Why Use Paint Protection Film for Your Car?

The professionals of “The Detailing Mafia” understand how good it is to apply paint protection film on to the surface of the car. For something as profitable and valuable as your vehicle, doesn’t it bode well to secure it? That is the thing that 3M Paint Protection film does – ensure! Shockingly, numerous individuals don’t realize this item exists. Enable us to clarify:

No vehicle can look like new forever. In any case, your vehicle can keep up that showroom shine for far longer than you may suspect. Car Paint Protection Film – which is usually known as “clear bra” by the individuals who hear what they’re saying – is a layer of ultra-solid material that is essentially undetectable to the naked eye, and offers your vehicle unmatched protection from any sort of wear and tear. Wear and tear happen to all the running vehicles on the road. Flying trash leaves any kind of scratches and imprints, bugs leave stains and checks, sand and residue harms the paintwork – throughout every day your vehicle is being hit by various harming components. Car PPF puts a reasonable and for all intents and purposes intangible boundary between these components and your new auto. Using innovations to protect the exterior surface of the car is very important as it provides a strong shield to the vehicle against anything that directly hampers the look and feel of the vehicle irrespective of the segment and brand.

Clear paint protection film can be connected to territories of your vehicle’s body where the paint may move toward becoming scratched or scratched. Some vehicle owners and enthusiasts will apply the film to the front of their vehicle to shield the paint from stone chips, clingy bug grime, and different garbage. It can likewise be connected somewhere else on the vehicle where the paint may wind up harmed, for example, behind entryway handles or on the rocker boards. You can have car ppf expertly introduced or you can do it without anyone else’s help. If you require to introduce car ppf yourself, you’ll likely need to purchase the item online as it’s less expensive than in a store and you’ll have a more noteworthy determination to look over. In this post, we’re going to demonstrate to you about the films, clarify what’s great about them and answer any inquiries you may have concerning buying or introducing such car detailing items.

Ceramic Coating: The Innovation to Trust On!

Presently we’ve examined Paint Protection Film, how about we think about your subsequent choice – Ceramic Coating. A Ceramic Coating is a fluid polymer which, when connected to the outside of a vehicle, bonds with the industrial facility paint to shape a perpetual defensive layer. A Ceramic Coating is the ideal option for a wax, giving upgraded synthetic opposition, UV rays protection, heat tolerance, and scratch resistance. Its long life implies that if it is done appropriately a star covering just should be done once for you to receive these rewards for the substance of your vehicle’s lifetime making it both practical and time-compelling. Presently, how about we investigate a portion of the advantages of Ceramic Coatings offer.

Ceramic Coating
Ceramic Coating

Why Prefer Ceramic Coating Over Car PPF?

Perhaps the best thing about Ceramic Coatings are that they are hydrophobic – they don’t care for water! How the material repulses water reflects the manner in which it repulses all fluids including mud. Fluids will experience considerable difficulties adhering to your vehicle when it has a ceramic coating which means it’ll be all the simpler to wash off undesirable checks and smears. It resembles sunscreen for your car. You wouldn’t go out in the sun without the protection, okay? So, neither should your vehicle. Much like we have to shield our skin from the UV beams from the sun, your vehicle’s paint needs security, as well. At the point when a vehicle is regularly out in the sun, the paintwork and blurred because of oxidization. This is the reason vehicle paint insurance is so significant – ensure your vehicle is secured with Ceramic Coating and that new paintwork will remain clean, fresh and lively.

The dilemma of Choosing Among Car PPF and Ceramic Coating:

While both Paint Protection Film and Ceramic Coating share numerous advantages, there are some varying elements which could impact your basic decision making regarding this dilemma. Car PPFs offer much more protection against scraped areas from street debris and minor swirl marks than Ceramic Coatings as the urethane film can assimilate a great deal of harm before it infiltrates through to your vehicle’s paint. Even though Paint Protection Film offers a great deal of assured protection, at last, it demands re-application, and at times, require upkeep on the if it yellows or rankles. Clay Coatings are a substantially more permanent arrangement. Paint Protection Film may likewise dull the vehicle’s shine somewhat while a Ceramic Coating will upgrade it.


Both Car PPFs and Ceramic Coatings offer distinctive protective properties and are capable keep your vehicle looking swanky and young forever. It tends to be hard to pick the best road yet they likewise work very well together and give crest protection when combined together. The car PPF offers ideal insurance from shake chip harm and scratches while Ceramic Coating over the top will give gleam, hydrophobicity and cleaning ease. What’s more, together, this vehicle paint insurance couple will make watermarks, corrosive harm and oxidization will be a thing of past times.

So, be selective while choosing the best paint protection for your car either it be paint protection film or ceramic coating. To understand more, visit us at

Do you know what 9H Ceramic Coating is?

Happy day readers!!

I know many of us to have a habit of checking the phone every day as we wake up early morning. It is turning into a routine to open eyes and start scrolling the Facebook, Instagram and other feeds in the form of posts and stories. You might have even come across searches like car paint protection, car surface protection or ceramic coating for your car on Google. Again, you can see lots of ads on the internet highlighting certain paint protection products for your car. Did you notice something in those ads? What is that?

Ceramic Coating
Ceramic Coating

Yes, exactly, I am talking about that 9H protection tag. Even more, there are companies highlighting even more than 9H. We at “The Detailing Mafia,” are there to clear all questions related to a ceramic coating. The car detailing market has now something even more tagged as 10H and 15H. The ceramic coating offers better protection to the surface of the car. The nano-coating can protect the exterior surface of the car from dirt, scratches and chemical contaminants. In fact, the application of ceramic coating doesn’t have any side effects to the original car painted surface.

Defining 9H Ceramic Coating?

The most important term used in the detailing and car care industry across the globe is 9H protection. There are scales to measure hardness when comes car coating like a pencil and Mohs hardness scale of mineral. So, when it comes to describing 9H, it is basically a rating of hardness derived from pencil hardness scale. For your knowledge, let me inform you that diamond is the hardest substance with 10H hardness on measuring scale. You always need a diamond for creating a scratch on the crystallized coated 9H surface but you cannot over the ceramic coated surface.

9H Ceramic Coating
9H Ceramic Coating

When it comes to ceramic coating, why hardness matters?

Well, the best way to explain ceramic coating is considering ceramic coating as the 2nd layer of your skin. This 2nd layer is nothing but just to add a layer of protection. It is just like a tempered glass packed as in a liquid. The more is the thickness of the coating; the more is the protection added to your car. The Optic coat brand ceramic coating is best when it comes to adding a protective layer to the car.  In fact, it is the best 9H car coating in terms of demand and result across the globe. We deal with minimum 3 to 5 car per day when it comes to the professional application of Opti Coat. Ceramic coating is defined as a liquid polymer which is professionally applied to the exterior surface of the car. It has many major properties like self-healing, hydrophobic in nature, scratch, mar and chemical resistance along with protecting the car from the harm caused by the UV rays like fading of car colour. In short, if you need a base to trust this car coating, it is the best car care product as it adds ageless protection to the car painted surface. Opti Coat is always a step ahead in terms of giving protection to the car and using advanced technology. Ceramic coating is the perfect need for your car care.

The 9H feature of Opti Coat Pro:

It is a permanent nano-ceramic coating which features a highly defined, unbeatable hydrophobic capacity, chemical resistance, thermal and UV ray’s resistance and many others. 9H car coating forms a permanent bond with the topmost layer of car paint along with providing an unwastable layer of hard protection. You know what, you have to put an extra effort to remove the ceramic coating from the car surface like using abrasive material. This proves that this in reality ceramic coating is the best choice any car owner can actually gift to their car.

The unique formulation of the 9H ceramic coating has enabled a multi-layered that means the coating’s thickness can be increased with adding layers permitting a harder film which will enhance its resistance capacity of scratches or mar. After reading this, I hope you have a clear idea about 9H and its relation with ceramic coating.

Opti Coat Pro
Opti Coat Pro

Anything above 9H hardness of ceramic coating does exist:

When it comes to deciding hardness of ceramic coating till date 9H was ruling the detailing market, but there are detailers who are making a point of having something higher than the scale of 9H. This is actually the wrong propaganda presented to customers as anything else can cause harm to their vehicle. In layman’s language, anything hard than 9H is considered very thick that can abrupt your car’s external surface. Due to its hardness, anything greater than 9H loses its elasticity. So, when the original elasticity is lost, the car painted surface tends to crack down if any sort of external pressure is given. For example, if your car gets any sort of damage, the complete car paint gets cracked. So, the Detailing Mafia warns you against any marketing spam showing 10H ceramic coating or even more. Always believe in ceramic car coating mentioned as 9H and trust me Opti coat give your car the best protection.


It took years for experts to embrace the benefits of the nanotechnology and give it a tag of providing premium car service for protection. Opti coat, ceramic coating ranges are properly tested and certified for the excellence and this lay base for customers. In the end, in the concluding line, you should remember one thing- once you select the ceramic coating service always choose professionals.

At “The Detailing Mafia,” we feel pride that it is a one-stop destination for all your car care needs like ceramic coating, paint protection film and other. We hold specialization in applying ceramic coating along with other services which ensure that the car is completely protected, safe and sound. If you are thinking to get your car wrapped with ceramic coating, opt Opti Coat as they are the best-suited product for your car. Check out the services of The Detailing Mafia, and contact us at 80-100-44000 or visit our website to book your slot.